In order to locate IMEI, ESN or serial number you can use the following ways:
Our IMEI checker supports all manufacturers and phone models. The main feature of our service is global IMEI blacklist check. Also you are able to find out additional important information about your device, such as Find my iPhone and iCloud status for Apple devices.
In case your phone was lost or stolen, you should follow the steps below as soon as possible:
1. Report the theft to your mobile operator.
Your service provider will block the stolen sim card in order to suspend all phone services like calls, internet and SMS.
2. Report the phone as lost/stolen to the police.
Please note that law enforcement might request a proof of the purchase of the phone and IMEI or serial number.
Activation lock (or iCloud lock) is a feature that helps to keep the iPhone secure. It is enabled automatically in case you turn Find my iPhone ON. Thereafter you will need to enter the password in order to deactivate Find my iPhone, activate your iPhone/iPad, or erase it.
Please note that we are not able to disable Find my iPhone and remove activation lock. We can not help you with your Apple ID or password as well. That's why we would recommend you to check Find my iPhone status before buying used iPhone or iPad.